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Dental Implants in Arlington Heights Rolling Meadows, IL

Exploring Dental Implants

If a tooth is missing in your mouth, an implant can be used to fill in space and create a new tooth that behaves in the same way as the natural tooth. The dental implants procedure actually takes several months to complete, but it is worth the wait because of the long-term results that you will be able to enjoy.

A dental implants procedure can be beneficial for a single tooth replacement or if you need multiple teeth replaced. At the first appointment, the dentist will put an implant post into your jaw bone. Once this post is in place, it is necessary to wait for several months so that the post can assimilate into your jaw bone.

Then, you will visit the dentist for another appointment and a dental crown will be placed on top of the post using CEREC Implants in Arlington Heights. The final result is a beautiful, natural smile that you will love. Dental implants are long-lasting and very durable, making them a better option compared to dentures or other temporary treatments.

Dental Implants
Dental Services
  •  General Dentistry

  •  Family Dentistry

  •  Cosmetic Dentistry

  •  Emergency Dentistry

Financial Perspective

Some people don’t consider this dental treatment because they are worried about teeth implant costs. Don’t let the price tag scare you away, though, especially when you consider the many benefits that you will enjoy once your tooth has been replaced. Leaving a gap in your mouth can lead to additional problems which might damage your other teeth or lead to bigger dental bills in the future. You can avoid these issues by scheduling a dental implants procedure.

Even if you don’t have the full payment available when the treatment is done, you can talk with our office staff about financing options that are available. Have your smile repaired right away, and then you can make payments on the dental treatment to pay it off over time.

Here at Parkway Dental Care, we offer high-quality dental care to help you improve your smile and feel more confident about your appearance. Our goal is to help you choose the right dental treatment to meet your individual needs, and we will talk with you about the many options that are available to improve your smile. Call us today for more information!


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